Evelyn’s Substack
The Rudolph Valentino Matrix
File That Under "Pazzi"...Italian for Crazies.

File That Under "Pazzi"...Italian for Crazies.

It is August 26, 2024 and I am Evelyn Floris and the following audio note is absolute truth.

When the cult learned I suffered from Post traumatic Stress Syndrome, they seized that as opportunity to tell the world, the world of Valentino at least that I was insane. They posted the news everywhere they could and as fast as they could with warnings I was dangerous. They gave me nickname “The Madwoman of Turin”.

They accused my husband Renato of taking advantage of my “mental illness” by forcing me to produce our wildly successful Youtube podcasts. How absurd to think people would believe that. They portrayed my brilliant and gentle husband as being an evil manipulator and me his demented victim. So let me assure you gentle listeners… the cult really got behind this angle.

One of the cult pit bulls sent out e-mails to every immigration and police agency in Turin with lengthy warnings that I was deranged and should be deported from Italy at once. It seemed as if almost overnight I went from being declared a criminal running from the law, doing cocaine and being dead... to being hopelessly insane and dangerous. I guess by dangerous they meant violent. Imagine someone buying and reading Affairs Valentino thinking all of that about me, the author?

Our lawyer painstakingly remedied every last one of those e-mails. Most all of the people he spoke to recognized the insanity behind such an obvious and malicious act. One recipient told our lawyer he filed it under, “Pazzi”.... “Crazies”.

But really... “The Madwoman of Turin”? Kind of laughable had they not tried to get me deported and cast doubt to anyone interested in reading Affairs Valentino.

If that tagline meant the angry woman in Turin, it would have been real accurate. I was pissed about it, about it all. So was Renato. Who wouldn't be?

I would respond on our blog by reminding them that mental illness was not a joke and that I was doing extremely well mentally.

Someone told me once they thought, “Where there's smoke, there's fire.” in explaining why they opted not to buy the book. “Surely”, she added”, there had to be some truth to what they say.” Actually... there was not.

I believe calling your target insane is a bully's last and desperate attempt. And is it not the pinnacle of projection on their part after spending years obsessed with my book?

Clearly anyone reading Affairs Valentino, listening to our podcasts and reading our blog would see I was in control of my mind. How could I have ever written a book based on ten years of research and the complex narrative?.... surely not the workings of a deranged woman.

Well here is how they explained that when pressed for an explanation to that.

The cult responded by saying someone else wrote the book.

And the diagnosis of my PTSD? It was handed down unexpectedly during an interview I had with a psychiatrist. The interview was suggested by my lawyer as part of my defamation lawsuit I filed and won v. the worst of the cult's pit bulls.

The psychiatrist asked me about the trauma I received when said pit bull attacked my father a day after he died. Lavishly salacious blog posts were published online by this cultist and in his best feigned authoritative tone. It still pains me to mention that abuse as my Google search began reporting I was in an incestuous relationship with my father and I abandoned him to die alone. All false. They posted pictures of skulls and of course as I told this to the psychiatrist I was reduced to tears.

I received the written PTSD diagnosis shortly after which emphasized that the condition in my case was caused by the repetition of the insults. This because at that time it had been going on everyday for about five years.

So in regards to my “insanity”, as they hurried to call it, they caused that and then mocked me for admitting it. It is somewhat as if someone broke someone's legs and then mocked them for not being able to walk.

The Madwoman of Turin struggles for her sanity at times and the cult should be thankful for that. If I was as dangerous and deranged as they say, they might be in some real trouble. They might want to appreciate my civility and rational nature through what as become a twenty year holocaust of their poisonous schemes.

And the Madwoman of Turin? That always reminded me of a great quote by Salvador Dali, “The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.”

And that is all for today from my very interesting virtual reality.

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Evelyn’s Substack
The Rudolph Valentino Matrix
These audio files stand as my truthful account and analysis of the years of extreme persecution and censorship I face and still face as the author of a biography on Rudolph Valentino. Today is August 18, 2024 and I am Evelyn Floris, a.k.a. Evelyn Zumaya, the author of Affairs Valentino.